Constitution of the British Adult Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association
updated October 2019
The name of this organisation shall be called ‘The British Adult Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association’. It shall be affiliated to the British Congenital Cardiac Association.
This is a non-profit making organisation. The purpose of the organisation is to promote the study of, and care for adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
The aims of the BACCNA are to:
* Share and develop clinical practice relating to ACHD
* Educate self and others in relation to the specialty
* Review relevant audit and research
* Provide peer support and guidance to specialist practitioners in ACHD
* Make links with other similar national and international groups
* Promote communication and cooperation between specialist groups
To achieve these aims, the group meet twice a year and produces a newsletter to discuss current issues related to clinical education, service development, leadership and research. A group e-mail enables members to discuss aspects which arise between meeting dates.
Membership shall be given to practitioners and others, whose primary interest is in the practice or research of ACHD, who are resident in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
Organisations which are involved in the study or clinical management of ACHD in the United Kingdom may apply to become affiliated to the BACCNA. Affiliated status can be achieved by formal application to the BACCNA Council.
Currently no subscription is required; this will be reviewed annually.
The officers of this organisation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one elected Council Member. All officers will be in post for three years and will offer themselves to re-election after three years.
The President automatically stands down after three years and is replaced by the Vice-President. However, the President shall be eligible for a non-executive position on the Council.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election after three years and may serve in these posts for a maximum of five years.
The elected officers shall form the Council of the organisation.