Please find below a series bite sized e-learning videos that have been produced by BACCNA.
A recent audit of educational needs of nurses has demonstrated that junior nursing staff and staff working in non-congenital heart disease settings have higher levels of anxiety when looking after patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). These staff also do not have the same access to education and training. Therefore these short videos are aimed at nurses who want to increase their knowledge and skill in looking after patients with CHD.
Each video has a link to an on line evaluation form. Please fill this in if you have viewed any of these videos to ensure that we receive feedback on how to improve them and to receive a certificate to say that you have completed them”
1. Learn how to safely perform vital signs in a patient with congenital heart disease
2. e-learning for health congenital heart disease programme
With advances in antenatal diagnosis and paediatric care, more patients are surviving with congenital heart disease (CHD) with ever increasing complexity. The numbers of adults with CHD now outweighs children by 2 to 1.
The Congenital Heart Disease programme has been developed by experts from within the field of CHD and it has been endorsed by the British Congenital Cardiac Association (BCCA), the Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association (CCNA), The Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) and the Somerville Heart Foundation
The programme provides a basic but essential overview of this condition and highlights the advances in paediatric care that have resulted in increasing numbers of patients surviving into adult life.
The programme takes approximately 2 hours to complete and consists of 3 eLearning sessions:
- An introduction to congenital heart disease
- An introduction to the neonate or Infant with congenital Heart Disease
- Acute presentations in Adult Congenital Heart Disease
On completion of the programme, learners will gain a good understanding of this type of heart disease and know how to contact their nearest network and helplines.
The programme is aimed at all clinical healthcare staff who are not specialists in this subject but may need to care for patients with CHD in their current role. The resource will also be useful for all other clinical colleagues to understand the implications of congenital heart disease, as patients will access other services within the NHS throughout their lifetime.