
The COVID-19 Pandemic 2020 - 2021

ACHD Nurse Specialists have been at the forefront of supporting patients and families during the pandemic. Phone calls to the help lines across the country have escalated dramatically. There has been a national approach to supporting patients ensuring that the advice given is based on The Government, NHS and in particular The BCCA advice. ACHD Nurse Specialists have supported their colleagues and where necessary have been re-deployed to help on the wards and intensive care units across the country.

We extend a special Thank You to you all for continuing to put the needs of your patients first in the most extraordinary of circumstances.

New Commissioning Standards and recommendations from NHS England - update 30/11/17

In September 2015 NHS England published national standards by which congenital heart disease services are to be measured in England. Service providers were asked to measure themselves against these standards. In July 2016 NHS England published a set of proposals regarding the future commissioning of Congenital Heart Services. These proposals were "minded to decisions" that went back to public consultation which ended on 17/07/17. The final decisions of NHS England have been announced on 30th November 2017.


Please see press statement from NHS England


Communication between NHSE + BACCNA

  1. Letter to Michael Wilson in response to the announcement regarding changes to delivery of ACHD care in England
  2. Response to BACCNA letter on behalf of NHS England received on 20/09/16